Thursday, November 29, 2007

EnterPrize's Business Plan Competition Finalist: EyeTour!

EyeTour Puerto Rico is competing as one of the 5 finalist groups in Puerto Rico's EnterPRize Business Plan 2007 competition! Our Business Plan was selected from more than 400 submissions and includes several exciting new developments for the future of EyeTour.

We will be presenting our project on the morning of Tuesday, December 11 during the Puerto Rico Venture Forum, to be held at the Ritz Carlton.

Join us in thanking everyone who helped us in researching, writing, and getting everything done on time, including: Alberto Casas and Giancarlo González from; María Alexandra Pla from Colonial Adventure Tours; Wilfredo Carrasquillo, CPA; Aníbal Jover, CPA; Gabriel Sánchez, Andrián Richner, and Débora Reyes. Thank you all and we'll let everyone know if we win (although by now we've already won quite a lot from the experience)!

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